Sunday 24 February 2008

Country Livin'

The Eponymous Castle

My college is seven miles outside the center of Oxford and Sundays and Wednesdays I come back late from Hertford College. Cuddesdon has no nighttime bus service, so I take a bus to the village of Wheatly and walk a mile or two to Cuddesdon. The other night the fog was so thick that I couldn't see more than a few feet in front of me. As I walked along I could hear animals moving in the woods, and restless birds in the trees. It was creepy.

I am happy to say that the fog is rare, and several days a week, evenings look more like this

Last week workmen came and cut back the hedges which line the road to Cuddesdon. There are grassy banks on either side of the road which serve as sidewalks, but the hedges were so over grown that it was much easier to walk in the road than to navigate the sharp branches, especially in the dark. Now the hedges are mangled, but better them than me.

My Window.


Alia McKee and Shane Scott said...

So beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us.

Me2 said...

I miss Oxford

Me2 said...

I miss Oxford