Saturday, 23 February 2008


The last term and a half have flown by so quickly. England now feels both totally foreign and like my home. I'm going to miss it here. I've taken so few photos of this phase of my life, but last Wednesday I forwent my usual library studying time to take some pictures of Oxford. These are the results.

This is the aforementioned library: the Radcliffe Camera, home to the Bodleian's Theology library, where I spend a lot of time. This photo was taken mere moments before I decided to shirk my responsibilities and not go inside.

The University Church of St. Mary the Virgin - I know the church flower lady.

This is the Sheldonian Theater as seen from beneath the Bridge of Sighs, the bridge which join one half of Hertford College (the half with the chapel) to the other (the half with the bar).

Looking the opposite direction. One evening I spent a good ten minutes under this bridge waiting out a rain storm.

Queen's College doesn't normally look this Wiemar.

1 comment:

Emily Betty said...

Beautiful shots, but when do I get to see one of your gorgeous mug? miss you, homes!!

Love from this side of the pond,