Saturday 5 April 2008

Amsterdam Part II

Amsterdam has been lovely; the rain and hail have ended, and bitter cold is giving way to spring.

Trees are budding, even in the most desolate parts of town.

And if you have a sandwich by a canal, swans will try to steal your chips.

Last night we went to The Waag, this foreboding castle, to meet up with Rahel's friend Jet (not as in Lear, but as in Yettie) who is in the process of moving to Amsterdam. The Waag, despite appearances, was actually a weigh station for assessing taxes on produce. It later became guild halls, then a fire station, then a museum and is now a restaurant far out of our price range; luckily we found a good Vietnamese place down the block.

Rahel and I have found a really nice church with wonderful liturgy and a kindly old priest. At least he looks kindly, but as my Dutch is limited to a few handy phrases, his sermons could be about reviving the children's crusades and I wouldn't know the difference.

We've also found a great video store (on the corner before this bridge). Night before last we watched Blow Up, which I hadn't seen in ages. I remembered it being fun but kind of lightweight compared to the Passenger, but boy was I mistaken.


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