Monday 21 April 2008

New Mexico

I'm in Santa Fe, spending a couple of days with my mother.

Yesterday, after mass, we met up with TJ's friends Jan and Lane, who are great follks and have an amazing gallery in Santa Fe.

Afterwards we drove up to Museum Hill, a complex of museums (you guessed it - on top of a hill) to see the strange and wonderful Gee's Bend Quilts show. Gee's Bend is a tiny town in Alabama in which women, who live in devastating poverty, have been making abstract quilts for decades. Hearing about the show, it sounded like nice grannies who had made some pretty quilts, but in fact, they are profoundly beautiful and moving art objects.

Sunday night, we went to the mall to see Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, which was a lot of fun. The day before we had seen the new Chinese movie Still Life, which is a stunning film about the construction of the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze, and Smart People, which was awful.

The mall

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